Moving past oil as the primary transportation fuel has major national security implications. It will reduce the deaths of American soldiers and the funding of terrorist organizations.
As someone who has served the public one way or another for 31 years, Greg Ballard can’t stand by and do nothing.
“I did not have an “Aha” moment about oil during the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991. It was clear to everyone at that time that the global economy depended on that oil flowing freely out of the Gulf. However, with transportation now being the primary use of oil throughout the world and with transportation technology changing rapidly away from gasoline and diesel, it is time to rethink why we continue to send our young men and women off to war and spend enormous financial resources to maintain that flow of oil.”
“I did not have an “Aha” moment about oil during the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991. It was clear to everyone at that time that the global economy depended on that oil flowing freely out of the Gulf.”
Greg Ballard
Former mayor of Indianapolis,
Lt. Col., U.S. Marines (Ret)

If there were no alternatives to oil, it might make sense to continue down the current path and put more American soldiers in harms way, but post-oil technology exists today.
The problem now is that most people just don’t know that we are at a point where we can change what fuels our cars, if we just have the will to do it. While we continue to fight terrorist organizations and their national sponsors in the short term, we can’t forget about the medium and long term. Defunding these organizations and countries is critical to our future national security. We can do that by moving away from oil on a global basis. The technology is here and getting better all the time. It is time to act and bring our troops home. It is time for America and the world to move away from oil as a transportation fuel.
The money that the United States and others send to the Middle East to buy that oil funds terrorist organizations that want to destroy the West.
We are in the unique position of funding our enemies, buying a commodity that they know we need while funding their terrorist organizations.

70% of the oil in the world is used for transportation. America spends over $81 billion per year protecting the oil infrastructure around the world so that oil can be delivered to allies and foes alike.

America has already spent $2 trillion dollars on wars in the Middle East over the last 40 years.

We have lost thousands of lives protecting the oil supply routes over the last forty years.
It is time for America and the world to move away from oil as a transportation fuel because post-oil technology exists today.